August 15, 2012

Roasted Delicata Squash

Growing up as a somewhat normal American when it comes to vegetables, they were my least favorite part of a meal. I would usually eat them first so that the memory of them would be long gone by the time I finished the rest of my plate. What a terrible attitude! I have since changed...

Really it just started with knowing that I'm supposed to like vegetables because they are good for my body, but over the last couple of years, I really have come to enjoy them. I really do love exploring new vegetables and finding the tastiest ways to prepare them.

A CSA (community supported agriculture) is a great way to force new vegetables into your kitchen. I don't get to choose what produce I take home, so it can be a challenge at times to incorporate everything into my meal planning. My farmer has included some recipes with her weekly emails, and I've discovered some great recipes and online resources. She sent a link to the recipe I'm sharing today.

Guess what? This simple preparation for delicata squash is DELICIOUS. The squash are fairly small, and I only received one in my share. I was so sad to not have more, but hopefully I'll receive more another week. You can eat the skins of this squash as they are not too thick, and the flesh is super smooth.

Roasted Delicata Squash
adapted from Chez Pim

delicata squash
melted unsalted butter
brown sugar
fine-grain sea salt

Rinse squash. Cut in half lengthwise, scoop out seeds and pulp, save for another use (like roasted seeds). Cut each half lengthwise on a diagonal to make triangles. Arrange squash on a cookie sheet or other pan. Brush with melted butter. Sprinkle with brown sugar and salt.

Roast in 450 oven for 35-40 minutes until caramelized and the flesh is fork tender.

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