May 30, 2011

Baby Bok Choy, Sugar Snaps, and Garlic en Papillote

I've been perusing the latest cookbook by Dorie Greenspan, Around my French Table. This recipe for vegetables baked in a foil packet caught my eye. Then the farmer's market had almost everything I needed to make this delightful dish: snow peas (instead of snap), baby bok choy, baby onions, and mint.

I never knew vegetables could taste so good. The mint and orange really worked amazingly well with the vegetables. I've made this several times already, and this will definitely inspire some variations as I really liked the papillote baking method.

Baby Bok Choy, Sugar Snaps, and Garlic en Papillote
from Around my French Table by Dorie Greenspan

32 sugar snap peas
2 baby bok choy
12 baby white onions, halved
1 garlic clove, peeled
zest of 1/2 small orange
4 tsp. olive oil
4 mint sprigs plus more minced for garnish
salt and pepper

Center a rack in the oven and preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Cut four 12-inch squares of aluminum foil, and have a baking sheet at hand.

If necessary, string the sugar snaps. Cut in half and toss in a bowl. Quarter the bok choy length wise and add to the bowl, along with the onions. Thinly slice the garlic and toss into the bowl. Zest the orange into long thin strips and add to bowl. Add the olive oil, mint sprigs, and season with salt and pepper. Toss to mix.

Spoon an equal amount of the mix onto the center of each pieces of foil. Seal and create packets with the foil, leaving some room around the vegetables to allow them to steam. Put the packets on a baking sheet.

Bake for 15 minutes, or until the bok choy is tender -- carefully open a packet and poke a piece with a tip of a knife to test.

Serve with minced fresh mint.

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