November 28, 2010

Lion House Crescent Rolls

My mom has been making these rolls for special dinners like Thanksgiving ever since I can remember. They are very good - light, fluffy, and buttery.

I actually made these the day after Thanksgiving and stuck most of them in the freezer to eat later.

Lion House Crescent Rolls
from Lion House Recipes

2 Tbsp. yeast
2 c. warm water
1/3 c. sugar
1/3 c. butter
2/3 c. dry milk
2 tsp. salt
1 egg
5-6 c. flour
melted butter

Mix yeast and water; let stand 5 minutes. Add sugar, butter, dry milk, salt, egg, and 2 c. of flour. Beat together till smooth. Gradually add remaining flour till soft dough is formed. Turn onto lightly floured surface and knead till smooth and elastic. Place in a greased bowl; cover and let rise till double in bulk. Punch down; divide into thirds. Roll out 1/3 or dough in circle; cut into 12 pie-shaped pieces. Starting at wide end, roll up each piece into a crescent. Place on greased baking sheet with point on bottom. Repeat with remainder of dough. Brush tops with melted butter. Let rise till double. Bake at 400 for 15 minutes or until tops and bottoms are golden brown. Makes 3 dozen.

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