July 14, 2010

Lemon Pepper Chicken

I already raved about cast iron in a previous post. So when I saw a mention of a cast iron grill/griddle reversible pan in Everyday Food magazine, I knew I would love it. Since I can't grill at my apartment, I thought this might fill the void. It has lived up to my expectations so far, except that the kitchen gets a little smoky. After a few times of this happening, I've learned to turn down the heat on the burner (yes, it takes more than one incident for me to figure it out).

This chicken recipe is everything it was promised to be as indicated by the post title: Grilled Chicken for People Who Hate Grilled Chicken. Unprompted, when I asked my husband what he thought of the chicken, he said, "This chicken makes me like chicken again." Wow! It really was super tasty, and I only marinated the chicken for one hour instead of the recommended 3+ hours.

Lemon Pepper Grilled Chicken
adapted from dinneralovestory.com

2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts

½ cup plain yogurt
1 minced clove of garlic
2 tsp salt
Juice from two lemons
1 good squeeze of honey
1 tbsp olive oil
A very healthy dose of freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Carefully slice each chicken breast in half crosswise to create two, thinner pieces. Pound boneless cutlets between sheets of wax paper until thin. In a bowl, add marinade ingredients. Whisk together until emulsified. Pound boneless cutlets between sheets of wax paper until thin. Then, pour into Ziploc storage bag, drop in the cutlets, mush around until coated, and seal. Put in refrigerator for a minimum of 3 hours. When grill is ready (and oiled), cook about 3-4 minutes a side until flesh is firm but not rock hard.

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