July 1, 2010

Bacon, Mushroom, & Artichoke Hearts Frittata

I had Breakfast for Dinner on my menu plan this week. So I opened the fridge to see what veggies I could throw together for an omelette, when I realized I had the perfect scraps to make my most favorite frittata: some lonely mushrooms, bacon, an opened jar of artichoke hearts, and fresh rosemary.

This recipe is from The Schwarzbein Principle Cookbook by Diana Schwarzbein. She has several books and cookbooks that focus on a balanced diet with full, natural fats (skim milk - what's that?), lots of leafy green vegetables, no additives, and no refined sugar. Overall her approach to diet is common sense, but most Americans don't come anywhere near eating within her guidelines. A few recipes from her cookbook have become some of my standards. There will be more posts to come with Schwarzbein recipes.

This frittata is also delicious with dried rosemary, but of course fresh herbs aren't to be rivaled.

Bacon, Mushroom, and Artichoke Hearts Frittata
from The Schwarzbein Principle Cookbook by Diana Schwarzbein

4 eggs
2 Tbsp. heavy cream
freshly ground pepper
dash cayenne pepper
2 Tbsp. butter
4 slices bacon
2 Tbsp. butter
2 c. sliced mushrooms
½ c. diced artichoke hearts
1 tsp. minced fresh rosemary, or other fresh herb
1 Tbsp. butter
2 Tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese

Preheat broiler. In a medium bowl, whisk eggs, cream, black pepper, and cayenne pepper. Set aside. In a skillet, cook bacon over low heat. Drain, crumble, and set aside. Wipe skillet clean. Melt 2 Tbsp. butter over medium-high heat. When butter is hot and bubbly, add mushrooms and cook until softened and liquid is absorbed, about 5-7 minutes. Add artichoke hearts, rosemary, and crumbled bacon. Mix well and set aside. In a 10-inch flameproof skillet, melt remaining butter over medium-high heat. When butter is hot and bubbly, add egg mixture. As eggs cook, lift edges to allow uncooked egg to seep underneath. When bottom is set but top is still moist, spread bacon filling over egg and place under broiler. Broil 1 to 2 minutes, checking frequently, until top is golden and puffed up. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

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